Every two years (even number years) we elect a President and Vice President. Every other two years we elect a Secretary and Treasurer.

President: Amy Kelley Hoitsma
Vice President: Cathy Costakis
Secretary: Kevin Montano
David Chambers 
Interneighborhood Council (INC) Rep: Chris Montano

From the NENA Bylaws 

  1. The NENA's leadership structure consists of four elected Officers. The “regular” work of the NENA shall be carried out by the elected Officers, which include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. “Regular” work includes, but is not limited to, planning and organizing bi-annual meetings, meeting with appropriate City and/or other concerned parties, coordinating with neighborhood committees, coordinating the development, publication and distribution of a neighborhood newsletter, and the like. The President, Vice President or designated representative shall attend the monthly Inter-Neighborhood Council meetings representing the NENA. 
  2. The President is the primary contact for the NENA. In the event the President is unavailable, the Vice President shall be the primary contact for the NENA, followed by the Secretary and then the Treasurer. All Officers are subject to ARTICLE VIII 5 prior to making decisions on behalf of the NENA.
  3. The Secretary is required to attend both regularly scheduled NENA meetings and special, topical NENA meetings, and is the sole person responsible for recording and make available as public record the meeting minutes. The Secretary may request help with the completion of these tasks.
  4. The Treasurer shall provide a report on the NENA's financial status at the regularly scheduled fall and spring NENA meetings.  

NENA Financials
The NENA president and treasurer are to have signature authority for the NENA checking account.